



From passions of the body to actions of the soul:
Neuroscience, Spinoza and the self
by David Bodella

Embodied Intentionality
by Milton Corrêa and Esther Frankel

A Functional Somatology
The missing link between body and experience
by Leo van Buchem

Human Conception: How To Overcome Reproduction?
A phenomenological approach of human fertilization
by Jaap van der Wal

The Impassioned Body: Erotic Vitality and Disturbance
by William F. Cornell

Childhood Sexual Abuse Trauma
Its Consequences in Creative Energy Flow
by Anna Leite

Sexuality And Intimacy In The 21st Century
by Jacqueline A. Carleton

How is Body Psychotherapy Different from Other Forms of Psychotherapy?
by Jerome Liss


The Talented Mr. Ripley II
Far from the body, far from the heart
Reviewed by Eunice Rodrigues

I am a doctor on expedition
by Heidrun Moessner
Reviewed by Wilfried Hippen





Silvia Specht Boadella
David Boadella
Esther Frankel
Milton Corrêa

This issue focusses on embodiment, embryology, and eros.
The theme of embodiment is central to Biosynthesis. Neuroscience seeks to understand embodiment from the bottom up, by looking at the body-brain-mind connections. A key figure in this research is Antonio Damasio. In the article by David Boadella, Passions of the Body, to Actions of the Soul, the body mind concepts of Damasio are comparedand contrasted with those of Spinoza, and the suggestion made is that the spectrum of body-mindspirit is a two way process of causation without which neuroscience can become reductive.

In the article Embodied Intentionality, Milton Corrêa and Esther Frankel develop the important theme of intentionality, as understood in Biosynthesis. Intentionality is a field of meanings underlying our movements and actions. It is central to our identity and to the quality how we express meaning in movement. Intentionality and patterns of effective movement are also central to the resolution of trauma. which is a theme we looked at in the last issue. Intentionality is also present in the flow of cells from the germinal layers of the body, in the life streams which organise early after conception. The field of intentionality is a function of the organization of the brain structures, the neurological proceedings and the interaction with other body systems.

The article Human Conception: How to overcome reproduction? A phenomenological approach of human fertilization by Jaap van der Wal focusses on the organising processes which are guiding the wisdom of the body during this early period. The phenomena of human conception is reframed by a phenomenological approach, the dynamic morphology. The essence of the human conception is understood in terms of motion and gesture.

Leo van Buchem in his article A Functional Somatology.
The Missing link between body and experience
takes this further with his functional somatology, which confirms the insights of Biosynthesis, thirty years ago, that embryological patterning is crucial to the understanding not only of pre natal growth, but of adult psychosomatic patterns, whether in illness or health.

Bill Cornell’s article The Impassioned Body. Erotic Vitality and Disturbance takes the theme of embodiment deep into his personal and clinical experience of the area of eros, looking at the passions of the body in relation to vital aliveness. He defines eroticism as assenting to life up to the point of death.

The articles by Anna Leite and Jacqueline Carleton go further into the specifics of how embodiment is related to intimacy, and how sexuality is disturbed if intimacy is invaded or misused. They also, in different ways, connect to the spiritual aspects of embodiment.

Anna Leite, in her article Childhood Sexual Abuse Trauma – Its consequences in creative energy flow, shows the effects on the human energy field, and the relationship between sexuality and the seven energy centres, or chakras;
Jacqueline Carleton’s article Sexuality and Intimacy in the 21st Century relies on the model she learned from John Pierrakos, of the mask, the lower self, and the higher self or core self.

In his article How is Body Psychotherapy different from others forms of Psychotherapy? Jerome Liss seeks to focus on central aspects of body psychotherapy which distinguish it from other forms of psychotherapy. Embodiment in its various aspects, including embodied language, and what Liss calls ‘epistemological grounding’, is again seen as a central focus of concern.
If we define eros in the deepest sense as our vital energy, our life force, then it is linked to what Freud called „libido”, what Reich called „bioenergy”, what Spinoza called „conatus”, and what in Biosynthesis we call the life streams. Embryological development is an early expression of this; the flow of contact in deep sexuality is a flowering of this. The intimacy of love is an expression of our vital energies which is grounded in our spirituality: in this sense eros can transcend death.

A review of the film The Talented Mr. Ripley II is presented by Eunice Rodrigues. In this film, the destructive process and the violence of Mr Ripley provokes fear and aversion. In an interesting psychological approach of this personage, Eunice gives a comprehension of the reactions of the psyche when submitted to extreme stress of shock events, which may lead to this perverse behavior. The psychological dissociation of Mr. Ripley is interpreted under the optic of neurophysiology and trauma theories.

The film I am a doctor on expediction, by Heidrun Moessner is reviewed by Wilfried Hippen. According to him, in this documentary, Eva Reich, almost 80, talks with an exact analysis and in a detailed and moving way about her life; the director and the camera man comment on the memories of the protagonist with curiously blurred, slow motions shots in black and white, that appear like dream images or free associations.




© IIBS  September 2004
All rights reserved. Print (also in extracts) only with approval of the IIBS.