



Letter to Wilhelm Reich from Renata Reich Moise

The Enlightened Fury:A Talk to Wilhelm Reich
by Silvia Specht Boadella

A Wake-up Call for the World
by David Boadella

Awakening Sensibility, Recovering Motility - Psycho-physical synthesis at the foundations of body-psychotherapy: the 100-year legacy of Pierre Janet (1859-1947)
by David Boadella

A Multimodal Dreamwork - Toward a Biosynthesis Approach
by Milton Corrêa

Resonance and the Contemporary
by Liane Zink

Biosynthesis: Therapy as a Dance
by Eunice Rodrigues

From the Shadow to the Light: Alcohol -Drug and Dependency
by Angela Wogel

Steven Porges’ Multiples Level Visceral Model
by Jerome Liss

The Animal with a Face
by Leo van Buchem

Waters of Life
by Silvia Specht Boadella and David Boadella

Book Review
Dancer in the Light
Reviewed by David Boadella

Biosynthesis Conference 2010

Training and Courses in Biosynthesis

Editorial Information




Silvia Specht Boadella
David Boadella
Esther Frankel
Milton Corrêa

In this issue we make a special homage to Wilhelm Reich after 50 years since he died beginning with a letter of his granddaughter, Renata Reich Moise to him. We re-print David’s article celebrating 100 years of the Pierre Janet work the predecessor of Freud and Wilhelm Reich. Sensibility, dream and dance are some of the key themes of this issue which includes innovative articles of Biosynthesis, neuroscience and functional somatology.

    In her article The Enlightened Fury: A Talk to Wilhelm Reich, Silvia Specht Boadella writes about the power of the message which Reich put out in his life’s work, where he makes a personal appeal to every human being. This article written in the 3th of November 2007, the day that Reich died (in 1957) is a deep and sensitive homage to this creative scientist and healer man who had the courage and compassion to ask man to be a “Great Man”.

David Boadella, in his article A Wake-up Call for the World, is calling for the urgency of a revolution in our thinking, in our actions and in our priorities to stop the rape of the earth by the global economy; to look at the roots of the injustices in the world and to move towards a work-democratic foundation for human communities. As David claims: “When Reich’s little man in each of us realizes his greatness he will put as his first priorities care of our common humanity and care of our common earth, and everything else will be secondary”.

    The overview of the pioneering work of Pierre Janet, who founded psychological analysis over 100 years ago is written by David Boadella in his article Awakening sensibility, recovering motility – Psycho-physical synthesis at foundations of body-psychotherapy: the 100-year legacy of Pierre Janet (1859-1947). As David shows, Janet was the first body-psychotherapist and a predecessor of Wilhelm Reich. Janet’s work was a base from which Freud’s psychoanalysis grew out and inspired many key concepts in individual and analytical psychology, as both Adler and Jung have acknowledge.

Milton Corrêa in his article: A Multimodal Dreamwork: Towards a Biosynthesis Approach points out the deep importance of the use of dreams in daily life remembering the dream social practice of the Senois from Malaysia. He presents the meaning of dreams from the field of intentionaliy basis and the dreamwork as the flow of information and energy process that take place in the transduction among the Biosynthesis Life Fields. A multimodal interaction between therapist and client is introduced as an effective way to dreamwork. To understand and explain a practical clinical session with a dream, a mapping is created to illustrate the life field transductions in this session dreamwork.

    In her article Resonance and the Contemporary, Liane Zink shows the use of this concept in the clinical and educational context as well as in relation to the world. She emphasizes resonance as one of the central pillars of the Biosynthesis theory and an important link among the elements of nature, people, technology and the contemporary society. She shows also the use of this concept in a clinical case.

In the article Biosynthesis: Therapy as a Dance Eunice Rodrigues explores the relevance of Rudolf Laban’s teachings in dance with notions of movement in Biosynthesis in order to throw more light on the concept of motoric fields in clinical practice. Eunice links the work of Laban, Reich, Bob Moore and Boadella through the fundamental concepts of expression, movement, intentionality and the Biosynthesis fundamental concept of motoric fields.

    The theme of chemical dependency is presented by Angela Wogel in her article From the Shadow to the Light: Alcohol – Drug and Dependency. An interesting historical perspective of the alcoholic drink production and the worry with its abuse since Roman empire is presented in this article. According to Angela, the destructive physiological effects of chemical dependency in the body and the brain are very dramatic. When viewed from the Biosynthesis approach, the chemical dependency, like neurosis, vertically
    divides the Biosynthesis Life Fields, breaking the connexions between interdependence and intradependence fields of experience and expressions. She shows a a clinical case of chemical dependent client and how she applied Biosynthesis method to treat this client.

The Steven Porge’s Multiple Level Visceral Model is presented by Jerome Liss, in his article, to help both the psychotherapist and the patient to understand the dynamics of emotions. This model basicaly consists of three levels of visceral regulation: The lowest level called the Dorsal Vagal Complex regulates normal visceral process during rest and recuperation, it is used for the organism defenses as “play dead”, “freeze”, “inner collapse” ; the second visceral level is the aggression-fear defense system, it consists of the amygdala and the paraventricular nucleus of hypotalamus centers; and the third is the Ventral Vagal Complex related to approach and avoidance, rapid and subtle regulation during social contact.

    Leo van Buchem in his well illustrated article The Animal with a Face points out that the most surprising result of the functional somatology approach is the particular position of the “snout” of vertebrate animal, from which the human face has originated. Its origin is the pharynx, a multifuncional organ that is unique to vertebrates and their immediate predecessors. The development of a separate head has contributed to the origin of the specific face of primates. He concludes: The face is often called “the mirror of the soul”, but first of all it represents the mirror of the whole body.

Silvia Specht Boadella and David Boadella in their article Waters of Life emphasize the fundamental qualities of water for life, and also as a metaphor for the Biosynthesis therapeutic work that sees the human organism like a musical instrument which pulsates. As they point out, the organic movement lies deeper in the patterns of form and flow within cells, at the foundations of life, and these express fundamental rhythms of nature which can understand in the resonances found within the water. This resonance is demonstrated by the work of Alexander Lauterwasser who shows that water is a connecting medium between sound and light reflecting the rhythms and vibrations of music.

    The book Dancer in the Light. A biography of Gerda ‘Pytt’ Geddes. The woman who brought t’ai chi to Britain written by David Woods is reviewed by David Boadella. Gerda Geddes was strongly influenced by Taoist philosophy and Wilhelm Reich teachings. She teached Tai Chi classes in England to wide variety of students: psychotherapist, healers, dance students and those interested in spiritual development. David Boadella attended also some of her classes and he writes also his own testimony to the creative work of Gerda.



© IIBS  June 2008
All rights reserved. Print (also in extracts) only with approval of the IIBS.