Biosynthesis encompasses 9 main themes and the corresponding theories, methods and practices for each:

Founding and Grounding
Holding and Charging
Forming and Shaping


Founding and Grounding

The emphasis is on the root of the spine as the basis of autonomy and on the difference between over grounded and under- grounded character tendencies. The understanding of the motoric fields as patterns of developmental movement, expressive gesture, and as affecto – motoric schemes is a main theme. Major teaching themes are holding patterns in the body, polarity tendencies in the body, and impulse qualities in movement.



The emphasis is on the lower belly and on pre- and perinatal aspects of experience, womb life, birthing, and ways to help clients with birth or pre-natal trauma. We teach principles of working with breathing patterns, hyper- and hypoventilation; and character principles: the schizo - hysterical split as expressed as a distortion of the polarity between containment and release.


Holding and Charging

The emphasis is on the first year of life, the throat, oral character tendencies, healthy needs, and patterns of addiction. The Biosynthesis principles of the elements of touch as forms of healthy nourishment are taught. We work as well with the themes of pulsations of pleasure in the body, work with restrictions in the pelvis and the handling of healthy eros and sexuality.



The emphasis is on the energies of the solar plexus, and the sympathetic emotions of anger and anxiety, in relation to the movement patterns of constructive aggression, and constructive self defence, or safety - seeking. Character aspects of power, as in masochism or psychopathy are also main themes.



The emphasis is on the heart as the centre of a love relationship, and on patterns of cooperation in partnership, (as opposed to symbiotic collusion, or destructive collision). A central focus is on the energetics of the arms as channels for expression and contact. We work with character aspects of over activity, or over passivity in relationship and with the somatic basis for dealing with sexual problems of clients.



The emphasis is on the voice, the throat and the ear. We teach Patterns of clear communication in language and disruptions of this; also ways to help clients who are over rational and clients who have difficulty finding words for their experience.



The emphasis is on outlook and insight, eye contact and vision. Therapeutic work on the eye block includes ways of transforming restrictive imagery to creative imagery, and ways of grounding imagery in the body and in movement.



The emphasis is on the crown of the head as gate between personal existence, and the transpersonal. We work with themes of healthy inner development as opposed to pseudo spiritual escape from the body. We look at attitudes to death. There is intensive teaching on working with resources and qualities of essence.


Forming and Shaping

The emphasis is a continuation of the previous week and a study of disturbances to functions of higher integration in psychosis, traumatic states and borderline conditions. We also look at the application fields of Biosynthesis in private practice, in clinics, or in other areas such as work with children or social applications. We include character aspects of the process of transition and saying goodbye, as well as resources in harvesting and new beginnings.


Biosynthesis addresses the fundamental needs of every individual with respect to physical well-being, psychological experience and essential development.

©IIBS  December 2015
All rights reserved. Print (also in extracts) only with approval of the IIBS.